Meet Our Skilled TOS Springfield - Support Staff

TOS Springfield - Support Staff

Area Advisor, The Oncology Service

Kelli is a northern Virginia native but moved to the Richmond area several years ago. She has worked in the animal field since her very first job as a kennel attendant at a veterinary clinic in high school.

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Veterinary Technician

Robyn started in the veterinary field as a Kennel Attendant while in high school. She also worked as a Veterinary Assistant and Customer Service Representative.

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Veterinary Assistant

Seth grew up around Veterinary Technicians and started his own veterinary medicine career in 2018. He has spent time in general practice, wildlife rehabilitation, and since 2022 - Oncology!

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Veterinary Technician

Stephanie is an Ohio native who earned her undergraduate and graduate degrees in Art History before moving to Virginia to pursue work in educational publishing.

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