Your First Visit

What follows below is a short guide for what you can expect while your pet is a patient at our hospital. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Patients are normally referred to The Oncology Service by their family veterinarian. Typically, your primary care veterinarian will send us a referral form. The form will describe your pet’s symptoms and any relevant blood work or diagnostic test results. From the time we first meet until your pet completes treatment, we spend many hours reviewing your case, going over test results, consulting with other specialists, and talking to you and your veterinarian. The time we spend face-to-face is just a small piece of the picture.

Please contact us to schedule your appointment for your initial visit.

Specialty Appointments and Consults

Welcome! We’re glad you and your veterinarian have chosen The Oncology Service to treat your pet.

  • Upon arrival you will check in with a member of our client care team.
  • Before you are called to an exam room with your pet, our team will get to know your pet’s case. We will review the records your veterinarian has sent us.  This includes reading your pet’s lab reports, conferring with other doctors and if needed, calling your family veterinarian with any follow up or clarifying questions about your pet’s medical history.
  • A technician will then collect you from the waiting area and bring you to the exam room to begin the appointment. The next step will be a thorough physical examination of your pet by one of our team of Oncologists.  You know your pet better than anyone, so please share any relevant information about behavior at home, eating habits, and any recent changes in behavior or appearance, you have observed.
  • Following the physical exam and discussion, we may need to order lab tests or x-rays to aid in the development of a treatment plan and better inform our diagnosis.
  • Together, we will develop a treatment plan for your pet. Our team will give you options, we understand that every family is different, so please don’t hesitate to share your treatment goals for your pet, any financial concerns and anything else you would like us to keep in mind as we develop the best course of action.
  • We will do everything in our power to ensure you and your pet feel cared for while undergoing treatment. If you have questions or if anything is unclear, please ask. We are here for you.
  • At The Oncology Service we take a team approach to your pet’s care. Our clinicians meet on a regular basis to go over case notes and share medical opinions from each of their different areas of expertise.
  • We will stay in touch with your family veterinarian throughout treatment with regular updates on your pet’s progress. We are also always available for you to reach us by phone or email if you have questions.
  • Once we have agreed upon a treatment plan, we will begin care.  We will continuously monitor your pet’s comfort and health throughout his or her care.  Open and regular lines of communication are important to ensure everything is going as planned both medically as well as at home. Quality of life is important, and as your pet’s advocate, we look to you for guidance.

Together, we can help your pet weather this storm.  The good news is that many veterinary cancers can be successfully treated, if not put into complete remission.